Monday, 11 August 2008 always

What is it that I want to do with this life of mine?
A question that I have asked myself a million times and have been asked a million times...and for some strange reason unknown to myself, the answer is I DON'T KNOW!

I cannot cite confusion as a valid reason for not knowing what it is I want to pursue as a career or vocation or any other word that means the same. Most individuals my age are slightly confused or so I have been led to believe, but most of them have a vague idea about what they would like to do someday when they are 60 or married or whatever, but not me. I am just plain blank.

Now don't take me wrong, I do have interests but I cannot really see a possible future in any of them. I mean, can anyone make a career out of listening to the ethereal compositions of Pink Floyd completely high on marijuana? If anyone does know of such a career path please contact me ASAP!

So is it normal for me to be so confused? Is it possible that the answer is waiting to pounce on me and that I just have to give it time? Only time will tell. Till then I guess I will just roll another joint and wander through THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON...


Tejilee Tembe said...

Ratatouille...!! dunt be sooo confused...caliente will be launched soon....;0

Meera Vijayann said...

oh, don't worry, you have loads of company geeky..hehehehe..:P besides like we planned we'll start a newspaper..:P